

Join us for a 90 Day Sprint to Accelerate Your Business and transform your life.

 We are herd animals.

We, humans, are built to operate in groups with healthy cooperation and interdependence.

Going solo to accomplish big and tend to the small is CRAY CRAY. We are not built for that.

Why work against your biological programming when you can work with it?





The Women’s Collective is a hub for high-energy, high-impact women who are challenging the status quo by taking radical responsibility for our own happiness and well-being.

We are committed to living our best lives and Sisterhood is our secret weapon.

We dream big and we know progress happens step-by-step, day-by-day.

We’re in it together.


Extraordinary women band together.

 Who is this for?

If you are looking to amplify your impact in the world and learn how to get out of your own way to create the most fulfilling life possible, this is for you. We’ve got your back.

If you are ready to level up in your own journey towards self-sovereignty, but have felt frustrated by the same roadblocks popping up again and again (not enough time, not enough energy, not enough…fill in the blank…), we’ll provide the container and support for you to take action to remove those old limiting behaviors and thoughts that have kept you from experiencing your fullest self.

If you are inspired by deep, vulnerable bonding and ready to support incredible women who are facing their own leveling up, you’ll find a home of soul-sisters here.

If you are ready to commit to YOU in a new, revitalized way, this is for YOU.


How It Works



Complete this application to share with us where you’re looking to level up and how we can best support you.

If you’re a good fit for the program, we’ll set up an interview to deepen our understanding of you for our team match-making.

We’ll match you with a team of 3 extraordinary women who will journey with you into the depths of yourself and be there to witness you, cheer you on, lovingly call you out when needed and celebrate your triumphs - big and small.



The program starts with 2 weeks of intensive goal-setting, team building and training. We’ll guide you through a profound process to conduct your own 360 review of your life and develop a tailored program for your 1 month sprints to take you to your desired outcomes.

You and your teammates will get to know each other hard and fast. We’ll train you on how to build intimacy and trust so you can lift each other up in just the right ways each woman needs.

Your team will be trained in no-bullshit, lead-with-love accountability interventions that will support each woman in identifying and troubleshooting the blocks that have held her back…until now. We’ll be breaking through those bad boys in real time!

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.


Our signature program includes two 1-month sprints. Our first sprint is endurance training. During this sprint, you’ll build the muscles and habits you need to be your best self. You know what those are. (And, if you don’t, we’ll help you get clear on that.) We’re here to support you on the follow through.

You’ll meet weekly with your team and coach to deepen your work, develop your toolset for personal and professional success and you’ll check in daily with your team via text to share your daily progress.

We’ll take 2 weeks between sprints to rest, reflect, recalibrate, and meet 1-1 with your coach to plan your next steps.

Your second sprint will be your BIG push. Building on the momentum of the endurance you already built, you’ll be poised to skyrocket to new heights of production, creativity, success and fulfillment. Your team of bad-ass accountability sisters will be there cheering you on every step of the way as you break through those barriers to achieve what you only dreamed possible before.






Raquel, Leah, Jess and Shannon were Matched Together via The Women’s Collective.

Shannon Ellis, Private Real Estate Investor and Relocation Broker @ Station Cities Seattle

Shannon Ellis, Private Real Estate Investor and Relocation Broker @ Station Cities Seattle

Sprinting with The Women’s Collective got me to start my business the right way.

I was able to build time management habits and skills and with that I created everything from the ground up - from my website to merchandise and I built a greater network than I could ever do for myself.

With the emotional support of my team, I learned to push myself and not let life’s obstacles get in the way of reaching my goals.

The real thing I accomplished was getting to my true self and rising up to my full potential (sheds tear)! The determination I built in my sprint brought me to the success of my career.

Jessica Pfeffer Founder @ Real Connections SoFla

Jessica Pfeffer Founder @ Real Connections SoFla

Now I understanding how much I can accomplish in a short period of time with techniques that are effective.

Painting every day and channeling my inner Jackson Pollock allowed me to let go and be free rather than so structured and rigid in my start-up.

The best part of being part of this accountability program is having different people's perspectives and support on a problem you think you already have the answer to but really don't. Digging deep with my team helped me realize that I don’t need to be so hard on myself and I can still meet my goals.

This whole process was engaging, enlightening and productive.

There is power that comes from connecting with other strong women.

With their support, I got sweaty every day for half an hour and meditated daily for 10 min. These two things helped me feel energized and focused. I felt more connected with myself and more in charge of my life. Generating these feelings gave me the fuel to accomplish my big goal: I purchased my first investment property which is bringing in positive cash flow every month AND has already increased in value!

Perhaps more importantly, I learned the true value of integrity through being held accountable and holding others accountable. I came to see that if I really care about someone, my tendency to be "nice" and let things go is actually a sign of disrespect - for both them and me.

This program is demanding and WORTH IT!

Raquel Valenzuela Founder @ Rehabits Massage & In Progress Clothing

Raquel Valenzuela Founder @ Rehabits Massage & In Progress Clothing

I need accountability. With it, I’m more powerful & capable than I thought.

The accountability structures and tools provided were super helpful. Through participating, I found that my voice is heard, needed and respected.

I was able to be consistent and persistent. I used my patience and watched my business evolve and grow organically.

I love how Ashley, my coach, was able to be real with me, call me out on things & at the same time be my biggest cheerleader. This program is engaging, needed and powerful.

Leah Niyazov CEO @ Agent Labs

Leah Niyazov CEO @ Agent Labs

The Women’s Collective Celebrates and Leverages Our Already Existing Relationships.

If you already have a team of women,

(friends, colleagues, PTA moms, old college buddies, high school girlfriends, cousins, Mahjong ladies, book club, camp besties, local entrepreneur groups, favorite freelancers, Facebook groups…you name it!)

we will support you with the structures and tools to take those relationships and your individual lives to a whole new level.

(Oh, and we’ll give you a pretty discount too for bringing your own team!)


Alison, Bekah, Deana & Jenny Were Good Friends Already.

They Wanted to Grow Individually and Together.

Jenny Kaplan  Psychotherapist @ Jenny Kaplan Therapy

Jenny Kaplan Psychotherapist @ Jenny Kaplan Therapy

Now, I finish what I set out to accomplish each day.

I was surprised by how much I got out of witnessing my friends navigate day-to-day life. There’s an efficiency of concurrent progress and growth. Watching the ebbs and flows/choices of their lives play out is an education. I could see myself more clearly by witnessing them and by being seen and held to what’s important to me.

Holding one another accountable feels like a deep honor and responsibility. And, as a result, I feel like I picked up the super powers of my teammates.

Alison Spodek Associate Professor of Chemistry @ Vassar College

Alison Spodek Associate Professor of Chemistry @ Vassar College

This is the thing I didn't know I needed.

For the first time, I am deliberately linking goals and habits to my desired feelings. It's changed my whole approach to personal growth.

I feel productive and empowered by how much I am actually accomplishing each day. And checking it off feels so good!

I understand these friends in a whole new way and I feel so much more connected to my community because of these individual relationships. I look forward to continuing to grow these friendships for years to come.

Deana Morenoff Documentary Film Director and Producer

Deana Morenoff Documentary Film Director and Producer

Focusing on my integrity has transformed my relationships.

I found a way to stop resenting the hard parts of my life and start embracing my ability to set my own path.

I felt like my relationships with the people in my group became much more real and connected. The accountability piece made me feel like I was part of something bigger than myself and that I wasn’t alone in my day-to-day struggles and triumphs. My wins became their wins and their wins became mine.

My greatest takeaway is that I can do hard things with intention and support.

Learning to link my habits and desired feelings was deeply impactful and made possible by the accountability.

Because we all knew each other beforehand, we had knowledge of each other’s lives and were able to offer and receive support based on that knowledge.

In 3 words, this experience is: supportive, challenging and transformative.

Bekah Starr Kohenet and Sacred Artist, Bekah Starr Art

Bekah Starr Kohenet and Sacred Artist, Bekah Starr Art



($2500/person if you bring your own team of 3)

14 weeks of transformative coaching, daily accountability, personal breakthroughs and tools you’ll have for life.

*sliding scale offered for all. we’ll find the right price point for you if this is the right fit.

**Scholarships available for BIPOC women and single mothers.

Reaching beyond your comfort zone is uncomfortable.


Having a team of strong, bold, insightful cheerleaders holding your vision with you is



Our Promise

 100% Money Back Guarantee if you complete the program and don’t get the value you want.