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Neurofeedback & 1-on-1 Coaching with Ashley Baker

FOR budding entrepreneurs and social impact leaders
who are ready to expand their sphere of influence

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Neuro-coaching targets your growth and pain points efficiently, effectively and permanently.

Working with the hardware of your brain and the software of your thoughts and feelings, we’ll tackle the subconscious programming that has kept you from living the fullest expression of yourself.

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Together, we’ll work with the hardware of your brain
and the software of your thoughts and feelings.

You are brilliant. But, here’s the problem…

Most of your programming was set up when you were a child, when your resources and models were limited.


Your inner 3 year-old is still running the show.

Those programs served you perfectly then and got you to where you are. Thank you, sweet little one.

But, after all this time…

You're still
of upsetting your mother.

You still get unexplained
feelings of dread, fearing “What if I get in trouble?”

You still think the “older kids”
(hint hint: your boss)
are cooler and more powerful than you.

You're still being a
good girl
as if your survival
depends on it.

You're still trying
to prove yourself
despite already being
appreciated for your brilliant, badass self.

You're still hurting
from the disappointment
of not being cared for
in the way you want.

It’s hard to be a boss lady when you’re worried what everyone else will think!

Isn’t it time to address these old programs?

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Good news!

You’re a grown up now. You get to take charge of how you live your life.

It’s time to upgrade your experience.

Become an expert on your own brain and body.

Take hold of these tools and learn to use them well.

Live the life you want. Feel the way you desire. Desire the way you feel. 

You have the most extraordinary tools at your disposal — your beautiful brain and body.


Your brain is a masterful computer.

With tens of billions of neurons firing 200 times per second, you can read and expertly respond to complex situations in milliseconds. Your brain does this by running highly efficient programs. It draws conclusions and then operates accordingly.

But, right now your brain is operating on default mode. It’s continuously running old programs. You keep doing the same things and getting the same level of results. If you’re ready to make a bigger impact, live your soul’s purpose, and unleash your fullest self, it’s time to update your neural pathways.

With targeted consciousness, meditation, visualizations, conscious action, diligent practice and neurofeedback, I can show you how to physically enhance the hardware of your brain.


Your body knows what’s up. You just have to listen to it.

Your body receives and holds information more keenly than your conscious mind. Your body is the key to unlocking your intuition, your ancient wisdom, your personal past and your chosen future.

If you’ve been treating your body like a vehicle for your brain, it’s time to start honoring that vessel for the highly intelligent, sacred, sensual, gatekeeper, powerhouse it is. Your brain and your body are a power couple. If you’re not tapped in to your body, you’re not firing on all cylinders.

Building a supportive relationship between your brain and your body will open pathways of ease and opportunity you don’t even dare to imagine yet.

Embodied cognition is key to upgrading the internal software of your thoughts and feelings and will radically accelerate your ability to act and achieve. Surprise bonus: Your pleasure is your power.

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Use What Your Mama Gave You

You’ve had these tools all your life. You just haven’t learned to master them (yet!). With the benefits of ancient wisdom and modern science, you can use your beautiful brain and body to create worlds of possibility, adventure and delight — and powerfully direct your immediate next steps and your lifelong journey to conjure sustained joy, fulfillment and positive impact. 

The fields of neuroscience and psychology have accelerated exponentially in the last two decades. Today we can apply these enhanced understandings to best serve our highest interests and goals.

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This is a customized curriculum — designed just for you.



✔️Create revenue streams from your soul’s purpose
✔️Finally quit those jobs you do out of obligation and guilt
✔️Work fewer hours — and still have things run smoothly
✔️Build a team (aka: achieve more and have more fun doing it!)
✔️Fulfill on a winnable action plan
✔️Cause reliable revenue for yourself every quarter
✔️Disappear the nasty beliefs that it’s impossible/you can’t do this
✔️Factor more “Me Time” into your day-to-day life
✔️Have selling be authentic and easy, not slimy and sleezy
✔️Refocus your energy on the parts of your business that get results
✔️Be seen as a leader in your industry at new levels
✔️Get confident enough to raise your rates


✔️Get clear on what is and what isn't intuition
✔️Learn how to read your body for intuition
✔️Release the unconscious patterns that block your intuition
✔️Treat your emotions as a navigational system
✔️No longer take on other people's "stuff"
✔️Discern your thoughts 
from the thoughts of others
✔️Set boundaries so that other people's emotions don't cloud yours
✔️Learn how to say “no” without feeling guilty
✔️Heal on a  cellular and subconscious level
✔️Learn how to give less f*cks about what people think
✔️Disappear chronic stress and anxiety by honoring your higher self
✔️Create your reality by visualizing and witnessing new beliefs


Change is possible…

I promise.

For most of my life, I was running on anxiety. It was a fine way of getting things done until I realized there are better ways.

This only came into focus for me when my marriage ended - and for the first time in my life I began to earnestly confront the question: What do I want?

I had been sailing through life appeasing and accommodating — but I was stretched thin all the time. Secretly, I was terrified of disappointing literally anyone. I was blind to the raw fact that I was living my life for everyone else. Of course I was anxious; I was constantly trying to fit into someone else’s mold of “shoulds.”

The only place I had real power and deep satisfaction was, not coincidentally, at work - the one place I had total autonomy and could do things my way and trust my intuition.

With neurofeedback and coaching, I was able to rewire my contexts and make my innate powers accessible in all realms of my life.

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It’s YOUR turn.

I’m here to support you every step of the way.

Here’s the work we’ll do:

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1. Update Your Internal Operating System: Your Subconscious.

Neurocoaching is a cutting-edge approach to personal development that incorporates strategic use of neuroscience and brain-based learning to optimize life performance and experience.

Our brains and bodies comprise the most sophisticated navigational system known to humankind - if we know how to use them skillfully.

Most people are novice operators of these complex systems. However, modern science and ancient wisdom provide a wealth of information on how to use our machinery.

I’ve curated these resources to make them easily accessible and I’ll personalize the User Manual just for YOU.

In our first several sessions, we’ll unpack the entities of your subconscious and bring them to the forefront so you can employ them by name and intention. You’ll learn to manage them well and channel their energies to serve your biggest dreams and deepest desires.

You will develop a relationship with your Inner-Leader: this is your highest self, the part of you that is all-knowing, all-loving and all-powerful. You will begin to live and lead from this core.

You will learn the intimate art of intuition by reading data with your body and you will become a skilled observer and operator of your brain so that you are controlling it instead of it controlling you.

We will use various modalities including Targeted Consciousness, Meditations, Visualizations, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Conscious Action and Neurofeedback for those looking to enhance and optimize their neuro-wellbeing.

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2. Re-wire the hardware of your brain.

Neurofeedback is a safe, non-invasive and highly effective way of re-programming the electrical activity of the brain. Using EEG technology, we can track the type of activity occurring in different regions of the brain and train our brainwave patterns to function more optimally.

For example, if you’re running disproportionately low levels of beta waves and high levels of theta waves in your prefrontal cortex, you’re likely struggling to maintain focus on executive functions. If you’re running excessive levels of high-beta waves, you’re likely experiencing anxiety. These programs run on auto-pilot because you’ve been running them for so long. However, you can interrupt those patterns and replace them with new ones by simply rewarding and disincentivizing electrical activity to target optimal levels. In practice, this looks like playing a videogame or a piece of music with your mind.

Neurofeedback provides lasting results and is highly effective in reducing symptoms of anxiety, depression, ADHD, OCD, PTSD, as well as enhancing memory and overall executive functioning.

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3. Consciously Charge Ahead - and Course Correct as Needed.

Now that your subconscious is no longer running the show willy-nilly, it’s time to move full force ahead in choosing your direction forward and bringing your visions to life.

Using your newly tapped powers of intuition and brain programming, you will set your course and activate your Inner Leader to keep the action moving forward. From this seat of true power, you will usher your Queendom into a new era of peace, vitality, extraordinary outcomes and deep fulfillment.

You’ll notice that your To-Dos are being checked off easily, your business aspirations are taking on new heights and manifesting as if on their own accord. Your partnerships are running smoothly. Opportunities are presenting themselves almost comically. And you are reveling in your own presence - loving, appreciating and celebrating yourself with an inner warmth that’s new but oh! so familiar - it is your soul’s essence.

And then, it will get hard again. THIS IS THE MOMENT THAT MATTERS MOST. Learning new skills and ways of being requires PRACTICE. I will support you and hold you accountable to your new habits of being while simultaneously supporting you to uncover the next layer of limiting beliefs that accompany this next stage of leveling up.

Through practice and action, your results will become sustainable. More importantly, you’ll have the tools to continuously expand your influence, deepen your life’s work and relax into fulfillment.

All neurocoaching and neurofeedback sessions are conducted remotely.

In addition to your sessions, you’ll receive:

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of all your

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Email & Text Support between sessions

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Meditations personalized
for you

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Remote Access to Daily Neurofeedback Training customized for you.


“I can say without a doubt — Ashley's coaching provided the building blocks to my success.”

— Christina Leon, Operations Specialist at Google


"Ashley is honest and real, and, very simply, brings out the best in people. You’ll love working with her."

— Jessica Fisher, Founder at FlyJets


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 There’s something really freeing about knowing:

“Oh, this is just the way my brain is wired…

and I can change that.”

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“You would be hard-pressed to find a better coach.”

“Before working with Ashley, I had a profound fear of public speaking. I am a person who stutters, and did not think that I could handle the lengthy speaking my competitive roles demanded.

Very quickly, Ashley quelled these fears. She spent a great deal of time rigorously coaching me through my limiting beliefs and actively prepared me to succeed beyond what I believed possible. It was due solely to her dedication as a coach that I was able to not only overcome my fear, but do so while achieving quick and profound success.

Ashley has a knack for bringing the best out of people, and her commitment to her clients is unparalleled. I have never encountered someone more dedicated to making sure her clients are well equipped for whatever challenges may face them. My time spent with Ashley left me changed both emotionally (in terms of confidence in myself) and intellectually for the better.”

— Darren Kaplan, Assistant to the CEO, Wen-Parker Logistics

For so long, I've been insecure in my career… I now know I have the courage to own who I am.”

“I have not felt so relaxed or free in a very long time. You have no idea or maybe you do... For so long, I've allowed pain from my past reflect who I am right now with a lot of self doubt. I was using negative self talk to myself in every area of my life.

To feel like a prisoner of your own troubles can feel like chains and weight dragging you down and you feel exhausted everyday. That is what I felt this whole past year and now I feel free from it all. Because of my work with you Ashley, I am present, I am breathing, I am in my own skin and I am still. I am wholesome, and I am alive.

I can listen to music and hear the melody and not my own cry out for help or my thoughts that had been louder than my surroundings. It wasn't just grieving that had me feel lost — it was my own baggage I had yet to realize.

I thank you for bringing it to my awareness and guiding me through it all. If I could give you a huge hug right now I would hold it for 5 minutes straight just for you to feel how much your spirit has lifted mine. My soul is at peace.”

— Raquel Valenzuela
Founder, Rehabits Massage and In Progress Clothing


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Neurofeedback & 1-on-1 Coaching with Ashley Baker

FOR budding entrepreneurs and social impact leaders
who are ready to expand their sphere of influence